Release Notes: January 11, 2024

  • Campaign Management: Bulk edit Ad frequency capping settings, setup RTB Ads and Advertisers with any OpenRTB setting, edit Creative Templates associated with up to 100k Ads in Studio
  • Forecast: Added support for Revenue, Daily Revenue and Monthly Revenue goals; Flat, CPC, and CPM rate types; revenue/budget caps at the campaign and flight level

Forecast API


  • Support for Revenue, Daily Revenue and Monthly Revenue goals
  • Support for Flat, CPC, and CPM rate types
  • Support for revenue/budget caps at the campaign and flight level


  • Forecast request API reports a warning when one or more unrecognized fields are received

Ad Platform — Campaign Management API + UI


  • In addition to bid price, users of Kevel's Campaign Management UI can now edit frequency capping settings across multiple Ads in one go on the Flight editor page
  • RTB Advertisers & Ads: A JSON object can be entered into a new field called Additional RTB Settings in the UI to save custom field values that aren't specified by the RTB partner. The API also allows any RTB custom field values when managing Ads and Advertisers. This update allows Relay customers to customize requests to partner exchanges using any supported OpenRTB configuration value.


  • Studio users can now update Creative Templates that are associated with up to 100,000 Ads. Previously editing was restricted if a Creative Template was linked to 10,000 or more Ads.